Continued from product description on
Traditional Games' Page Four...
Background: String games such as Cat's Cradle have been
played around the world for thousands (if not millions) of years.
It does not appear that this game has a particular origin; rather,
it was developed independently by many cultures around the same
time. Anthropologists began studying string games between 1880
and 1900. During the 1890s, two anthropologists -- Dr. Alfred
C. Haddon and Dr. W.H. Rivers -- invented a language to use when
describing string games which made collecting and documenting
string games easier. Other anthropologists continue to use this
language in their travels.
It seems that string figures were familiar to most native
inhabitants of East Asia, Australia, Africa, the Arctic, the
Americas, and the Pacific Islands. Some string games might even
be from the Stone Age! Since actual "string" was not
available in most of these regions, people used native sources
like sinew or leather, twine made from bark, Hibiscus tree fiber,
or even braided human hair.
Each culture seems to have its own names for similar string
figures. The names of the figures can tell us much about these
cultures -- what was important to them spiritually, what kind
of animals they had, what pictures they saw in the stars at night,
and other significant beliefs. Some string games even included
stories. String figures were used for fun most of the time, but
other times they were used as good luck charms or to chase away
"bad spirits."
Most string games are played with one or two pairs of hands,
but some people have been known to use their toes, knees, elbows,
and mouth. They can create some fabulous string patterns!
If you become a serious string game enthusiast or are just
a little more curious, check out the International String Figure Association (ISFA),
which was founded in 1978 by Hiroshi Noguchi, a Japanese mathematician,
and Philip Noble, an Anglican missionary, stationed in Paupa,
New Guinea.