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Background: Handmade dolls in early America were created
from household items such as scraps of fabric, old clothing,
handkerchiefs, bits of yarn, cornhusks, corncobs, wooden spoons,
and other items that were no longer needed. Mothers and daughters
have made these cherished dolls for generations. Store-bought
dolls were not always readily available and, if they were, were
oftentimes too expensive.
The rag doll was probably the most beloved doll a little girl
could have. She could dress it, kiss it, cuddle it, scold it,
confide in it, rock it, and learn to make clothes for it as she
learned to sew. Other simple cloth dolls that were made to entertain
a child when the mother had little time or supplies were the
handkerchief doll, leavings doll, and knot doll.
Dolls were also made from natural items such as cornhusks,
corncobs, nuts, sticks, and braided grasses when yarn was not
available. Dolls can be either a best friend for a little girl
or a collectible for adults. When making your own doll, you can
give it your special touch with a favorite fabric, and make it
to match your décor (everyday or holidays). Just as it
was centuries ago, a handmade doll will make a special gift and
a memorable piece of a little girl's childhood.
The making of folk dolls is encouraged by the Girl Scouts,
youth organizations, education programs at museums, and mothers
who home school. By making the same kind of dolls our ancestors
made, the crafting of old-fashioned folk dolls will not be forgotten.
Historical Folk Toys is pleased to do its part to keep the art
of doll making alive and preserve the tradition of passing keepsake
dolls from one generation to the next.