We would like to share
some Elf pictures with you. There are not many now, but we will
be adding more later. We hope this page (and the
following one) will help you get acquainted with the Elves
at Historical Folk Toys in Nashville, Indiana.

Expo: exhibited at the 53rd MSA Retail Conference and
Expo April 13-14, 2008, in Tampa, Florida. The waterfront location
of the Tampa Convention Center was ideal and the weather was
beautiful. We were happy to be able to attend the wine and cheese
reception at the Henry B. Plant Museum.
(Midwest Open-Air
Museums Coordinating Council) held their Spring 2008 Conference
at the Buckley Homestead. Julie was pleased to attend, meet these
wonderful folks and connect faces with names of those already
known. We appreciate so many of the members visiting our booth.


Annual Meeting: Julie exhibited at the 2007 American Association for State & Local History
annual meeting in September in Atlanta. She enjoyed meeting museum
directors, curators, educators, interpreters, historians and
those who coordinate many other facets of museum life.
Conference: Julie supported the Association of Indiana Museums' 2007 conference
with a booth as well as a donation for their silent auction.
She was happy to meet in-state museum personnel and discuss the
benefits of our products.

Elves at MSA Expo: Joanie and Julie at the 52nd annual
Museum Store Association Expo in Denver, Colorado. Thanks to
those who came to our booth, saw our products, and asked for
our catalog. We also appreciate your orders as well as the time
you spent asking us questions.
at Eastern National's 2007 Annual Meeting: She was pleased
to exhibit at the Eastern
National invitation-only show for top vendors in Atlanta.
She enjoyed meeting and talking with site supervisors, regional
& unit managers, bookstore managers, and National Park Service superintendents.

Elf and Managing Elf: This is Julie and Joanie at the
MSA Expo in Louisville, Kentucky, on April 24, 2006.
As you can see, this is not a very good snapshot. Nevertheless,
Julie and Joanie had a great time meeting folks at this premier
trade show for museum and historical society gift shops.
Let's hope Julie doesn't forget her digital camera next year
and have to rely on a disposable camera. The Web Elf and Photoshop
can only do so much! :-)
Folk Toys' Booth at the MSA Expo 2005: Those who attended
this trade show in Milwaukee may remember our booth. This show
was a great success considering it was our first show since the
company opened for business on October 5, 2004.

Display at Chamber of Commerce: Historical Folk Toys is
not only a proud member of the Brown County Chamber of Commerce,
we helped support it in various ways. For example, we Elves sponsored
a window display when the company became a member.
Elf and Head Elf: This is Míc and Julie prior to
the opening of the MSA Expo in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on May 1,
At six feet and seven inches, Míc may very well be
the world's tallest Elf. He certainly is not the Elf with the
world's best smile! Julie, on the other hand, displays her usual,
cheerful smile.
This photo was taken by Maggi, the other Elf who attended
this trade show.
